What is Medvedev–Sponheuer–Karnik scale?

The intensity of the earthquake - a value that represents the degree of oscillation of the Earth's surface during an earthquake.  The intensity of the reflected seismic scale scores depending on the degree of destruction of standard buildings, witnesses sensations, changes in topography of the earth's surface.  The intensity of the earthquake on the surface of display depends on the depth and magnitude of the earthquake source.  The intensity is greater the closer to the surface lies the source.  Thus, if the source of an earthquake with a magnitude of 6, at a depth of 10 km on the surface intensity will be 8-9 points, which can cause considerable damage.  At this same magnitude, but at a depth of 300 km intensity will be 2-3 points, and the earthquake will be felt by only a few people.  The world several scales used to determine the intensity of the earthquake (European macroseismic scale, Mercalli Intensity Scale, the scale of the Japan Meteorological Agency, etc.), but one of the most widespread in Ukraine is a 12-point scale MSK-64 (Medvedev-Shponhoyera-Karnika).